Playoff Donations

Don’t forget CDL that not only is this weekend playoffs but it is also our Balding For Dollars event. This will be your last chance to help Justin reach his donation goal! You can donate as an individual, or as a team.

A little incentive then!

A lot of interest has been expressed in having a go with the scissors at his beautiful locks and he will be accepting donations for that honour.

At 2:00PM the first cut of the pony tail will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. After that, people will have the opportunity to play around with his look, donating for a chance with the razor. He will be sporting that look throughout playoffs before it all comes completely off at the end of it.

The CDL would like to thank everyone for their contribution this season in support of children with cancers and blood diseases and wishes good luck to everyone this Sunday at playoffs.

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