Season 9 Drop Ins / Start Date / Captains Meeting!

Hey Dodgeballers!

Just wanted to announce a few important things!

Pre Season Drop Ins have started! They are 2$ a person and an excellent chance to shake off some rust, or to try the game out, before the season!

They run 8:00 – 9:30pm.

Wednesday Sept 21st: Queen of All Saints Gym…

Wednesday Sept 28th: Roy Stibbs Elementary School
Wednesday October 5th: Roy Stibbs Elementary School…

CDL Season 9 Officially starts on Wednesday October 12th with our Exhibition Week. Schedules will be posted closer to the date, so keep checking our website!

CDL Captain’s Meeting!

Date: Tuesday, October 11th
Where: Woody’s Pub,
Start Time: 7:30pm…

With a lot of changes both on and off the court, we require a representative from all teams to attend our season beginning captain’s meeting. You are required to know the changes in the league, as well as voting on league issues and policies for the upcoming season.

This is a MANDATORY MEETING If a representative is not there your team will not be scheduled for Week 1

If there are any issues with this, captains please email me at

And finally, we still have some spots open for teams this season! For information, check the Season 9 Registration Information in the news feed!

Thanks so much!

Mason Foulkes

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