Top Ten Coolest Team Names for Season 11

Welcome back dodgeball fans!!

It’s been a long time since we’ve updated this dodgeblog, but we’re back!!  We’ve done an article like this one before, but with so many new teams and team names it’s time to update the ten best team names with the teams coming in for season 11!

1o: Top 40-  Longtime vet and CDL Executive Byron Wynne insists that this team is a reference to lame top 40 music of the 90’s.  I prefer to think that it is a proclamation that they are one of the “Top 40” teams in all of the CDL.

9:  You Mad Bro?-  You guys get in for being the first team with a question mark in your name.

8: Clam Jam-  One of my favourite teams from season 9 returns after a one season hiatus.  Their name is Clam Jam, they are mostly ladies and they all play in pink shirts.  A Plus!!!

7: Tune Squad-  No this isn’t one of the best names in the CDL.  But these guys seem to have finally settled on a team name for longer than one season so they deserve some props.

6: No Muffin’ Stuffin’-  I’m like…  85% sure that this is a sexual innuendo that I just don’t understand

5: Elite Targets-  A bold evolution from the team that started as Target Practice, promoted themselves to Trained Targets and are now Elite.  As long as they keep giving me target shaped cookies I’ll keep adding them to my top 10s.

4: Blue Ballers-  Many may disagree with this selection as puns involving balls have been overplayed to death in the CDL.  But for those of you who weren’t around in the first few seasons, The Blue Ballers are the original ball-pun team in the CDL.  After a long hiatus they’re back, and we couldn’t be more excited!

3: Green Eggs and Yam-  mmmmmmmmm…  Yam.

2: Nintendodgers-  Because I’m a nerd.  Nintendodgers will move into the number one spot if Kevan Thompson buys and wears a Yoshi costume for the rest of the season.

1: Gangnam Style-  By the time playoffs hit this team name will no longer be relevant, but for now it’s awesome and we will celebrate its pop culture significance.  Captain Matt Hung has promised that he will do the dance for a nickel.

There you have it folks.  If you want to see more DodgeBlogs let us know!!  We are open to suggestions.



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