Top Ten Coolest Themes in the CDL

Top Ten Coolest Themes In the CDL

Now that the season is upon us, we’ve all gotten a chance to pick a theme and deck out our teams in awesomeness. That said, every year there are few teams that you just can’t help but stop, look at and think, “Damn that’s cool.” This week’s top ten looks at some of those teams who we can’t help but appreciate whether it be for great ideas, awesome nostalgia factor or simply brilliant uniforms. To these 10 teams, we salute you.

10- Magic the Dodgeball Team: Several long time dodgeball enthusiasts (including CDL Executive Director Mason Foulkes) who love the ‘Magic: The Gathering’ card game decided they wanted to make a team theme out of it. But what started out as a terrible idea turned into a brilliant idea when Foulkes recruited “The Magic Store Guy”, Ted onto his team, fully bridging the gap between Magic and Dodgeball. Now Magic the Dodgeball Team shows up in full force every week to tap into their dodgeball resources and cast haste onto Rhino’s for the afterparty. Plus, their t-shirts apparently look like Magic Cards.

9- Magic School Bus: Awesome shirts that match the characters of everyone’s favourite educational cartoon (with respects to Arthur) don’t let the child friendly theme of this team fool you. They could be favourites to win the Golden Dodgeball this season!

8- Target Practice: Last season’s Most Spirited Team, Target Practice is a simple theme with a simple design. Where Target Practice has really set themselves apart from the pack is in terms of what they’ve done with it. The white Bulls Eye over blue backdrop has become iconic to this team of CDL upstarts and they have accessorised in the form of excellent matching shirts, socks, and if you come to Rhino’s on the right day, maybe even cookies.

7- The Samuel L. Jackson: I’ll be honest, I don’t know too much about this team yet. But what a brilliant team name! –insert your own personal favourite Samuel L Jackson quote here-

6- Rufio and the Lost Boys and Girls: Great team spirit? Check. Awesome accessorizing and costuming? Check. Sweet reference to one of the best movies of the 90’s? Check. This teams theme, from their movie quote cheers to teammates showing up on a weekly basis in full headdress had me dropping my jaw in jealousy the moment I first saw them. My solution? Forcing captain Isaac Louie to let me join the team this season.

5- Muppets: At this point, teams have come up with themes that satisfy almost everyone in the leagues sense of nostalgia. That notwithstanding there’s something to be said about going right after some of the most iconic characters of all time like ‘the Muppets’ have. Plus they might be early frontrunners for the coolest uniforms prize this season.

4- The Pinecones: In a league that is all about extravagance (in every sense of the word), there is something that is just brilliant in the simplicity of ‘The Pinecones.’ When announcing the teams on each court every week I can’t help but smile when I have to say *blank* vs. THE PINECONES.

3- The Unicorns: Getting cool t-shirts made is easy. Names on the back, big logos and bright colours are awesome, but we’ve seen them all a hundred times. Last season The Unicorns had the coolest uniforms in the CDL by far, and they’re back again this season. Their cutoff jean-vests with a giant Bedazzled Unicorn on the back are possibly the best single explanation of what the CDL is all about. Also note that ‘The Unicorns’ is a friggin sweet team name.

2- No Nuts Please: CDL’s first ever all female team. The name is self explanatory and the shirts are hilarious. These ladies are not only making CDL history with their testosterone challenged roster, but they are also proving with their hot early start that they aren’t going to just lay down for anybody. That’s what she said.

1- Jesus Plays Dodgeball: Sacrilegious? Probably not. Hilarious? Definitely. Jesus Plays Dodgeball is the only team to ever successfully combine dodgeball with Jesus. A great fun team with awesome shirts that are capped off by one teammate who sports the Christ-esque beard, hair and a t-shirt that simply says, “I Play.” This one was a no brainer.

“But N2, what about my team?” you might ask. Think you got snubbed? Think it was nepotistic of me to include my own team? Let me hear about it by sounding off below!!

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